Saturday, December 6, 2008

Today is the BIG day!:)

Today is the day that we leave to pick up our new little family member!:) It's 1:56 in the morning right now and we are getting ready to drive to Springfield, MO. I'm both so excited and nervous about meeting him! I really hope that he likes us! I know that sounds silly. lol. I've got his crate all ready with his bed, blanket, pillow, and toys so hopefully he'll have a comfy trip back to Alabama. I'll be taking lots of pictures of our trip and will share our adventure when we get back! I hope that everyone has a wonderful day!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Adopt an Angel

I'm so excited about this Christmas! I get to play Santa Claus to a sweet little 8 year old girl!:) Kendall and I decided to adopt a Christmas Angel through the Salvation Army's Angel Tree program. If you have a little extra this Christmas season please consider adopting an angel. You could really help make this a special Christmas for a little boy or girl. You can go here for more information on the Angel Tree project and other ways that you can help out this Christmas.